This morning I purposely paid a visit to Meiji University to get the application form for entrance examination. At the foreign center hall, I felt I have been treated unfairly by the young attendant`s attitude.
In Japan, there is lots of form and complicated procedures you have to go through to apply for anything especially in education field. It costs time and money. For university entrance examination, every university come out with their own rule and regulation documents to guide you in filling the form. It includes personal information, economy background along with bank letter and tax papers, resume, letter from teachers, school results, essays and essays and essays. You might need to translate the documents that is written in other languages to Japanese then certified them at Malaysian embassy.
To avoid, to and fro for times, I checked through the forms I received and asked only three simple questions. However, the first reply I got was that `have you read the manual word by word` (the manual about 40 pages) Obviously, it is impossible to be done on one morning. At the bright side, I still got the answer I want as I pressed on. But, she kept stressing the read-it-yourself part and discouraged me to ask for details.
Soon, I cannot stand it for more, I left. When I got my bag and walked out, she seemed doing nothing but sitting in front computer. I doubted what she was hired for in foreigner information service department. Lack of passion, plus where is her SMILE?
Wish you my friend, don`t fall into her group as one who work without meaning and purpose