What Am I Doing

Recollect and modify my body, mind and soul

November 28, 2009

We Need Not to Know the Truth: An Idea Opposed to Common Idea

image from http://www.freewebs.com/fantabahoobie/Curiosity.bmp

Scientist believes human is born with great degree of curiosity.
However, how true does this to be?

Human seek reason and explanation.
But we tend to accept a reason more easily than posting a question.
We would only question when the reason is contradict to what we know.

Each human has his own reasoning system.
It need not be the truth, as long as the system could function.
Unexplainable things (Errors) are ignored and not treated seriously.
Error is not weighted by quantity but quality.
Only serious error could shake our belief.
Once a serious error occurr, we are at loss and uncertain of ourselves.
In order to not losing, we tend to defend our reasoning system.
We would defend it physically or mentally or both ways.
By physically, we walk away from opposing ideas or hurt the others.
By mentally, we ignore the error and deny the truth.

Human only need one reasoning system.
He could live up with that till his grave.
Regardless of how a reasoning system function,
it wouldn't affect him psychologically as long as it works.

In conclusion, human need not to know the truth.

Isn't it wonderful?

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