At an international open auction, hundred of millionaires attended to bid for a series of collectibles. Among all of the bidding items, there were two identical stamps up for bid.
゛Ladies and gentlemen, I proudly present you the 1918 Inverted Jenny Stamp, which takes its name from an image of a bidplane accidentally printed upside-down. So far, only two of the stamps have ever been found, making them one of the most coveted items tonight. Tonight, the twins were offered in pair with $1,000,000. Ladies and gentlemen, you may start bidding now.゛
First, a mid-age American businessman offered 1,050,000 USD then follwed by an old India women who offered 1,060,000 USD. It went on until a young gentleman who offered a surprisingly high bid 1,500,000 USD in a loud clear voice.
One... Two... Three... Sold!
The winning bidder walked up the stair steadily and collected the stamps. In front of the other bidders, He took out a lighter and burnt one of the stamp. Then, he proudly announced,
゛Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to offer you, a stamp that you can`t find an identical one in any part of the world. Let`s start with $2,000,000 bid prices!゛
Friends, you are the one and only. You are unique.
Friends, I would like to address the hidden message of this passage to all of you. You, are the only one where there are no identical you could find around the world. It is a pleasure to be the only one. As Time's Person of the Year Dec 2006, you have the right and power to believe in your passion. Here, I would like to wish all of you good luck in pursuing your better life and dream no matter how small or big it is.
As reference,
Time's Person of the Year: You
i only can say that guy is a sohai..
actually the story ended with he sold the stamp with higher price than he has offered. Since he got the last and the only stamp
if he gave the 1.5 million to the burma and china victims...
he will be in every victim's heart but not printed on a piece of magazine paper...
i know the hidden message...
but i just hate those super rich guy's way...
jeopardising the value of life.....
never teach ur kids using this kind of stories....
well, i only see d creative part of d story. (and it was a made up story, not a real one) No offence, but i think i would continue using tis story.
by d way, i doubt anyone could judge or decide wht value to the other and wht not.
It is nice tht u hv such a kind heart. Have faith and keep it up. d world around u shall change
very creative indeed.
teckie really good hearted oh.. but i agree with you la.. u know my aunty's boss hor.. too much money go buy cars worth millions of ringgits, worse still, he has a few paintings that costs a few millions of DOLLARS.. zzz. and collect dust coz too many.. So Much For Investment..
later i draw u a portrait.. up side down.. u help me sell ya..
Dun worry darryl and teckie. This is the age of armageddon. everything will end soon :)
tc tc....
then i draw half potrait one leh...
can ar...
half got half no...
true it is a fake story...
coz i heard those rich people...
they collect planes one...
those used in WWII...
not model u know..
is the real fighters...
i wanna buy the ppl that bought the planes..
btw.. they buy fei kei for wat?? ngek ngek ngek.. let joey answer this question..
Har....they go battle royale plane r? XD
Ppl buy things as collections because they have interest in those things. If i could, I will also collect all sort of cars especially fast and sexy wan XoOXxoO
Helping others will bring happiness to ownself and the other party. If the other party didnt appriciate it then its like throwing bowling ball into longkang
=.=''' why is everyone fighting for a mistake done by someone else jeh?? a small mistake can make things so valuable o.. AHAHAHAHAHA!! wa.. next time i must be wiser, make some accident on my product, ahahahaha!! =.=
chee hang!! dont worry, you are the one and only chee hang i know.. hehehehe..
It's really creative... haha... i stil thought u wanna say u're the guy who attended the auction... haha.. or u've seen it happen~~ but yea, it's really creative and nicely done...
Auction here:
Going dating with chee hang for one day....
ha ha ...kidding kidding...dun angry ya cheehang...
anyone want?starting price,
USD 100,000
p/s: u must also pay for all expenses that day.
Thks, Yi Ming.
Dear winning bidder,
perhaps we could have our date at Japan Disneyland. (since u belanja)
hahaha... the auction...
How can i afford it???
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