What Am I Doing
Recollect and modify my body, mind and soul
November 28, 2009
We Need Not to Know the Truth: An Idea Opposed to Common Idea
Scientist believes human is born with great degree of curiosity.
However, how true does this to be?
Human seek reason and explanation.
But we tend to accept a reason more easily than posting a question.
We would only question when the reason is contradict to what we know.
Each human has his own reasoning system.
It need not be the truth, as long as the system could function.
Unexplainable things (Errors) are ignored and not treated seriously.
Error is not weighted by quantity but quality.
Only serious error could shake our belief.
Once a serious error occurr, we are at loss and uncertain of ourselves.
In order to not losing, we tend to defend our reasoning system.
We would defend it physically or mentally or both ways.
By physically, we walk away from opposing ideas or hurt the others.
By mentally, we ignore the error and deny the truth.
Human only need one reasoning system.
He could live up with that till his grave.
Regardless of how a reasoning system function,
it wouldn't affect him psychologically as long as it works.
In conclusion, human need not to know the truth.
Isn't it wonderful?
November 18, 2009
Selfishness & Selflessness

Image from http://www.thefreedictionary.com/fishmonger
All act are both selfishness and selflessness.
The fundamental principal is the same for selfishness and selflessness.
The only difference between these two words is the observing object (reference object)
'An act of selfishness to one is an act of selflessness to other, and in the converse, an act of selflessness to one is an act of selfishness to other.'Example,
Case A
2 families members were on an expedition trip. During the trip, snowstorm occurred. They sought for a shelter and found a cave. After days passed, food of family A ran out but the weather haven't turned well. Family B got four members and two biscuits. Mother of family B wanted their two children to have it. However, father of family B insisted to give one to family A. Then, an argument broke out.
In this case, the beneficial party of decision of mother B is their children. Her decision is considered to be selfless to her children but selfish to father B and family A. In the contrast, the beneficial party of decision of father B is family A (although family B still has one biscuit, their having would be deduced from two to one) His decision is considered to be selfless to family A but selfish to his other family members (to act without considering their children).
Case B,
'Observing object is not limited to human being. It could be other living beings or even a thought, religion, and so on.'In the ancient days, sacrifices were offered to God. In village A, people were arguing about who would offer his goat to their God. Farmer A volunteered to make the offering. All villagers were happy.
In this case, the beneficial party is their religion and whole community. Hence his act is selfless to them. However, what about the pity goat? His act is selfish to the goat because he took its innocent life. Goat might think that "Why not offered your life instead of mine, your God might be more willingly to accept it."
Despite of these two cases, you may examine any other cases from various point of views. You may find that every act involves gaining and losing of various party. The losing party would always consist the act to be selfish while the winning party would always consist the act to be selfless.
Case C,
In the same scenario with Case B, if farmer A offered his own life instead of his goat, was he selfless?
Depending on observing object, it cannot be concluded as selfless. His act would be selfless to his community and his goat but might not be selfless to his family or even himself. If he believed in his God and believed God would bring him to a better place other than Earth, his act was considered to be selfish to himself. Besides, by leaving behind his responsibility as a father of a his family and a child of his mother, without considering their emotions and lives without him, his act was selfish to them.
In addition,
'If a person act in his own will, his act is always considered selfish.'Regardless of how many effort an action taker spent and how many people are benefited by his act, as long as you takes the action taker as the observing object, his act is always selfish to himself because he acts in his own interest (his own will)
'Never should anyone deny being selfish, because everyone is'However, remind you that there are different depth of selfishness. In my personal point of view, it would be always better if you spending more effort in actions that would benefit more involved parties other than you alone.
In conclusion,
'No one should argue or judge an act to be selfish or selfless. However, one could argue about who would be the beneficial party.'Broadly usage of selfishness and selflessness
Selfishness - the action taker is one of the beneficial party/parties
Selflessness - the action taker is not one of the beneficial party/parties
November 5, 2009

Have been keeping myself busy for quite a while. Trying to build up my own online business and pushing myself towards many ends. Such as getting myself to know Christian missionary to learn about religion, teaching an mid-aged business women English to relearn English, and so on. In term of business, after many pushing and trying, finally my business is growing explosively last weekends when I received requests from few resellers. However, at the time, I failed to keep up with the speed and lost track of my records. I was lost.
During my lost period, I did my own accounting. Start a habit to write my account book by using freeware. To retrace my spending and earning. Then, I used Microsoft Word to make a new order request list, payment list, order form, etc for deal management. After spending hours and days in front of my computer, I success to reorganize my deal as well as myself. But, I am still lost.
In business world, my desire of earning is growing bigger. Even though I started with slogan as Fast, Cheap, Transparent and able to maintain it till this day. By spending hours and earning little, my living and physical body starts complaining. By facing the greedy and demanding customers, my poor soul is tired and corrupted. Customers' innocent mind and ridiculous demand makes me cry. Even the most reasonable and considerable customers, they would demand for something from time to time.
This business keeping my world small by consuming most of my time and limiting my activity such as reading. In the contrast, it enlarging my view by letting me to know more about trends, laws, people, international trade system, copy-right issues, etc. Never do I realize how serious is the authentic and fake items issues till I start my Jeans Business. 99% of jeans are fake even in Japan.
In my initial objective, this business is created to build my experience in this business world. If possible, make the system free from my ruling and act independently in order to increase my passive income. First objective is a success, second is not yet known as there is still much to be done.

However, during my lost, I start to doubt. In my deepest heart, I know the end of my road. What I trying to accomplish now is to finance me in the future when I start involving myself in Educational Field. I love children and education from the beginning and this love would never fade. Not that I like our Malaysia Education System or Japan's one. Both are examples of failure in my eyes. There is much to be done, more to be improved. There is more than thousands method I would like to experiment in new education. But the question is how?
Today, my doubt is shall I start the education revolution now or after I able to survive independently from my parents, support my family, and finance my new education system. In my opinion, education should be free and active. It should be equal as everyone in the community should be able to receive this new education. It should involve not only children but adults as well. Various course shall be designed specially, some categorized by ages, some by level of knowledge, and so on. The Learning Annex (US company) has one of my ideal education system for working groups. It is one of the system I would like to bring it into Malaysia. There is just so much to be done, I cannot be able to do this alone. Hence, I need training ground for new educators and revolutionist as well. All this and that ideas facing a same problem. Money.
In education, passion is an essential elements. Nothing can start without passion. However, passion of a single person is limited. Hence, people is needed as the force to spread passion. However, passion and ideas of each person is different and most the time, its good intention is twisted as it travels far from the source. Hence, system is introduced to keep the variation small and make sure the 100th person learn the same thing as what the 1st person learned. However, this whole process is slow if there is no money as catalyst. Money shall be used to maintain the system and help spreading it.
My current online business has no problem in any senses but it lacks of purpose and that's why I am lost. At first, I aim to use this business to improve the international trading between small resellers of Japan and Malaysia. And help any individuals who wish to purchase Japan product directly instead of paying Malaysian middleman who usually charges twice or triplet of original price (I feel it is ridiculous for sky rocketing price, and unreasonable to bear with) However, during this lost, my original purpose was shook. It makes me feel meaningless as I personally support the idea of buying local products after learned Japan economic history and their method to push their country into one of the strongest nation. Plus, dealing with purposeless resellers or so-called profit hunters make me sick. I import the items cheaply for them but they sell it expensively. It goes against my first principle as I intended to ease the burden of Malaysian buyers. For example, total cost of a product is RM 82, my earning is RM 8, the reseller sell it for RM 140 ++. And the funniest thing is, he would demand for cutting cost, discount, faster delivery, etc while he personally delaying my payment, never giving me a feedback or comments in my websites (although been requested politely for twice) , not allow me to publish the contents of his purchase (publishing what a service provider is selling is common in that forum). These behaviors disgusted me. Haiz, what a world.
But what shall I do? Even if I stop this business and start another one, people would go to my system loopholes and exploits it as it is how human behaving (It is like solving a math question, people tends to find their own way to get the answer) If I don't start one, there is no income in order to be financially independence. And, my younger brother would be attending Univerisity next year. If I work, time-consumed for working is equals to having a business for yourself, and part-time hardly teach a thing. The most you learned from part-time is the mechanism of how a society functions. If I don't think and solve this method, I just evade the question I should face one day.
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